Friday 24 January 2014

English Students&Teachers Chat Group Get 2gether

English Students and Teachers Chat Group Get Together

1:  getting to know each other      2:  deciding on August and September's activities  

Donations only – suggestion any 3 coins ( 1€, 2€ ) …. if u do not have any money you are still welcome with a smile : ) !!

TIME: 7PM – 9PM (depending on how it goes it may continue ) 

DATE: next one still to be decided

LOCATION: somewhere in Berlin - still to be decided


Join Dave’s English Group mailing ( no  message necessary, just put ‘DEG mailing’ in the subject  )

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Hi… I’m back in LONDON : ) !!

Hi… I’m back in LONDON J

Hi Every1… I am back in London where it is always sunny and the food is excellent!!!
If interested in classes – privates or small groups - get in touch

Dave    //  Mobile: 079 320 10481